Produced by Studio Madhouse in 2015, Overlord is another entry into the ‘trapped in another world’ light novel adaptation genre. Unlike most of the entries, though, the original writer Kugane Maruyama is an avid fan of tabletop RPGs, the grandfather of video games, so expectations are slightly raised going in. ARE YOU READY TO SUBMIT …
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Review: Yurikuma Arashi [Blu-ray]
Release Date: 31st October 2016Format: Combo PackStudio: Silver LinkPublisher: Funimation | All The AnimeCertificate: 15Audio: Japanese 2.0, English 5.1Subtitles: EnglishEpisodes: 1-12Discs: 4 (2BD+2DVD)Run Time: 300 Minutes Yurikuma Arashi is an interesting title for me; I dropped it back when it was originally airing, but SILVER LINK have become my favourite studio since …
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Review: HighSchool DxD BorN [DVD]
Release Date: 31st October 2016Format: Combo PackStudio: TNKPublisher: Funimation | All The AnimeCertificate: 15Audio: Japanese 2.0, English 5.1Subtitles: EnglishEpisodes: 1-12Discs: 4 (2BD+2DVD)Run Time: 300 Minutes Highschool DxD BorN is the third season in the Highschool DxD series. The first season was released on blu-ray and DVD a couple years back by Manga …
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